Did you miss Machina? it’s loli time again, enjoy the chapter.

Deus Ex Machina 25: Enforcement’s Beacon Signal
Deus Ex Machina is brought to you by:
Raws: Kanapox (animexis)
Translation: tiRAWRmisu (riceballicious)
Proofing:Grenciae (riceballicious)
Cleaning: Bobway (riceballicious)
Typesetting: Newnew145 (riceballicious)
QC: tiRAWRmisu (riceballicious)
As you can read, most of the work was done by the pals of Riceballlicious, so it’s kinda weird to announce this as a joint. Anyway, please join us people! we need translators, proofers and cleaners.
Well, two more chapters and this series is done!