Time for more aneki pals! This chapter is quite short compared to the previous one, enjoy! Ah, don’t skip the last page after the chapter, there’s an special announcement about the live action version of aneki. It looks interesthig, I hope someone translate that one.

HCnA plus Imouto – Chapter 3
Hozuki-san chi no aneki plus imouto was brought to you by:
Translation: Royal
Raws/Cleaning: Kanapox
Typesetting: Badgerkins, Kanapox
As usual, we are short in staff. We need translators! Unfortunately we’ll have to drop some series due to the lack of translators, like Ziggurat and WCW, but I hope someone comes to help with the new projects, we have some scripts done, but no permanent translators to continue them, so even if we release one or two chapters, I don’t know if we’ll be able to do something beyond that.
Thanks for the new chapter! 😀
Thaaaanks~ 🙂
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂
thank you for the release. is it just me or the writer actually take a step back and “reduce” the H part
I think so. I hope more relationship development. Looking at Lo-Fi After School and World Gaze Clips, I know he can do something much better than the current stuff.
The problem is those manga is downright creepy that common reader will just stop reading halfway. I think he can do good in this Hozuki series as long as he separate the story into ‘arc” like Hayate
Yeah, those two were really something. I don’t know what that something is…but I think it’s my kind of thing 😛
I saw the trailer for the film a month or so back. It felt to me that they were taking it a little too seriously.
Haru writing poems certainly is weird. But I think it’s okay, the manga version is for people like us. A live action movie has to be oriented to general audiences. I expect good things from this movie if they add some romance and drama besides the sexual jokes. I still have doubts about the new manga series, so I REALLY need something good coming from the Hozuki series.
when will ch 4 come out?