This chapter was supposed to be released in December, but as I said in my previous post, I had some real life issues preventing me from any scanlation activity. Read and enjoy!
Wrestle! The Under Ground is a joint project with our friends of Simple-Scans.

WTU chapter 9 – From the underground
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Raws/QC: Kanapox
Translation: Dailow
Cleaning: Schthaxe
Redraws: Kundumstaf
Proofreading: Bombardier
Typeset: Kyurin
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I know, I know… I can read your mind: “Where’s Teppu?” As I said before, our priority projects are: 1)Teppu 2)Witch Craft Works and 3)Isuca. That doesn’t mean we are not gonna release the other pending stuff. Before our hiatus we had some stuff almost ready to release, so you may see some of those chapters being released here and there. That doesn’t mean we are changing priorities, it’s just to decrease the list of pending stuff. Regarding Teppu ch23, the progress is around 50%. It will be released either on Wednesday or Friday of this week, hopefully. We still have no translator appointed for Teppu 24, but a translator from another group may be interested on it – he said he’ll tell us after we release ch23. Witch Craft Works will be released after Teppu 23, followed by Isuca.
Oh, before I forget: we need translators, so don’t be shy and contact me. Please don’t use the forum to apply, it has some bugs that I have no time to fix.