Yai! Finally, more Isuca! Enjoy the chapter.

Isuca ch.23 – School (2)
Brought to you thanks to:
Raws/Cleaning/QC: Kanapox
Translation: Shirohikari
We had to suspend Isuca for a while cause Lucifell is no longer translating, but fortunately we got a new translator, so thanks to Shirohikari for coming to rescue us. If you haven’t done so, remember to like us in facebook or follow us in twitter. I was busy all the past month, so let me catch my breath while I go to check what’s gonna be released next. See you soon, pals.
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂
Thank you for another great chapter. 😀
Thanks for the new Chapter and hard work ! 🙂
Many thanks for the release!
Thanks for the new chapter! 😀
Thanks so much for this. And thanks to Shirohikari for stepping in. Much appreciated. 🙂
Thanks a lot guys ! Take your time, catch your breath and keep up the good work 😉
Patiently waiting for the next wcw chapter to come 🙂