We are late with this chapter due to some unexpected issues with my PC. Sorry about that pals, and thanks for bearing with us. Park is awesome this chapter, enjoy it!

Teppu 28 – As soon as we met, I wanted to ask you to leave.
Teppu was brought to you by:
Translation: AnonymouSA
Everything else: Kanapox
Chapter 29 is expected in Japan next September 5th, so I guess we could release it a couple of weeks later. It’s supposed to be a long chapter (40 pages), so I assume it’s gonna be the end of the match of Mawatari.
Regarding the issues with my PC, I haven’t been able to scan raws, but I hope to have that fixed this Wednesday. Hozuki 4 is cleaned, translated and waiting for typesetting, so wait a few days for the release. Ch5 is still not scanned, but I’ll do my best to have it scanned this week. Deus Ex Machina is almost ready to be released I just need to coordinate the release with the pals of Riceballicious.
Well, that’a all for now, see ya later, pals!
Woot, new Teppu! Thanks for all your hard work!
Thank you!!
can we have hozuki please?
read the post, please.
Super awesome, thanks a lot!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
“She is creepy”
Still no Natsuo but this chapter was fun XD
Thanks for the release 🙂
Thank you guys for the high quality scans and translations!
Thank you very much!
Thank you! 🙂
Hello, page 33 of this chapter. The coach say “Vai dormir” for go to sleep. If i guess right, it’s french. But, the right spelling is “va dormir” and yet, we use “va dormir” when we talk nicely (if you i tired, go to sleep: si tu es fatigué, va dormir). In this context, the utterance “Va te coucher” is way better because it’s kind of synonymous to go to hell.
I’am just a strange french reader, who is really happy and grateful for your work on Teppu anyways.
No, it’s supposed to be Portuguese. I don’t know if it’s written properly, but this author has made a lot of mistakes trying to make sentences in Portuguese, and I’m afraid that my lack of knowledge about that language is not helping to fix those mistakes.