Time for Teppu Again! Alas… Natsuo is not here, it’s only Mawatari. Anyway, enjoy!

Teppu 26 – I thought it was a cat at first, but looking closer, it’s eyebrows
Teppu was brought to you by:
Translation: AnonymouSA
Proofing: Anonymous
Raws/Cleaning: Kanapox
Typesetting: MikoAucarod
This month there’s no Teppu in Japan, but we still have pending to release an extra chapter of 10 pages, so expect that in some days. We are in a big need of people who can handle redrawings, please join us!! Just look at how I cut corners in page 25 of this chapter. You don’t want more of that, right? We also need a new translator for Witch Craft Works, otherwise, we’ll have to stop doing that series. Contact me using the contact form if you are interested.
Okay, that’s all for now. See ya later!
Thanks. Been waiting for this for ages.
hey guys, im the leader, president, ceo, etc, etc of a spanish scan named hoping to kill some time before break ends and go back to work scanlation……….. prety long huh hahahaha. any ways im a big fan of this series that you are doing and well i read that you needed someone to help you with the redrawing and so i want to propose doing a joint project.
i (we) would be willing to help you out with cleaning (redrawing where necesary) and pasting the text. so as to liberate some of your staff so that you could concentrate on some other project if that is what you wish. all we would ask in return is to (the obvious propaganda of each of our corresponding scans in our sites?) and that you allow us to be the official? spanish scan for this project and give us the enough time to be able to finish our (would be) spanish version of it, so as to be able to publish it at the same time as yours.
we’re a small scan (almost up to three people right now) but i like to think the quality that we do makes up for the lack of personel, you can check the quality of our works here http://www.batoto.net/group/_/h/hoping-to-kill-some-time-before-break-ends-and-go-back-to-work-scanlation-r2499 and were the scan that is doing the spanish version of knight run and i like to think its turning out alright, what ever your response is you can reach us in our facebook to chat https://www.facebook.com/pages/HTK-SCANS/1381610752085444?ref=hl
or look us up in our blog http://htkscans.blogspot.com.es/?zx=7c7eee6d28bb2dc3.
thanks and keep up the good work.
We are going to work with Santos Fansub to re-release Teppu from ch1 – in both languages English and Spanish. Thanks anyway!
hey no problem, i just thought i’d help out so as to speed up a bit future releases of this particular title but if you have someone already thats great… like i said i will be looking forward to see future english releases of this manga and keep up the good work.
oh my god, i love this story so much. what’s wrong with mawatari hahaha i can’t wait to find out. all the characters are so much fun! *__*
Super awesome, thanks a lot!!
Thanks for the release. Teppu is one of my all time favorites. If I had the ability to translate or redraw I’d volunteer. I wish Sugar wa Otoshigoro could get some love too. Thanks again for all your effort.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I was really looking forward for teppu 😀 .
Even after you pointed it out, page 25 looks fine to me.